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Island Safety & First Aid

The Island Safety & First Aid project involved the creation of a dynamic and engaging base site with a strong emphasis on functionality and visual appeal. The site incorporated two custom post types and additional pages, designed to provide visitors with comprehensive information on safety and first aid services.

With its compelling media integration, professional hosting and maintenance, strategic SEO implementation, and vibrant design, the site now stands as a valuable resource for the community and a testament to the team's dedication to safety and wellness.

A significant aspect of the project was the seamless integration of media elements throughout the site. Utilizing various multimedia formats, including images, videos, and interactive content, added a compelling dimension to the user experience, enhancing engagement and comprehension. To ensure the site's optimal performance and reliability, the project made use of the Hosting and Maintenance Plus 2 service. Regular updates and maintenance checks were implemented to keep the site accessible and secure for users. Moreover, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies were thoughtfully applied to increase Island Safety & First Aid's online exposure. This approach aimed to boost the site's visibility in search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find and access their essential services. The effect of the SEO strategies resulted in an 800% increase in bookings in the first quarter alone after the website was launched. The design of the website played a crucial role in reflecting the energy and spirit of the business. Employing a vibrant and colorful layout, the site exuded an energetic and dynamic vibe, resonating with the brand's identity and attracting visitors' attention.

Base Site

Two custom post types and additional pages

Hosting and Maintenance Plus 2

Implemented SEO strategies to increase online exposure

Integrated MS 365 simple package for streamlined operations and communication

Vibrant and colorful design


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Black Rock Domains Ltd.

Operating Hours:
9am to 5pm - Mon to Fri
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays - Closed

Tamarin, Mauritius

+230 651 9402